
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

{ carrot cake pancakes }

Yes, you heard me correctly. They aren't for every day eating, but these babies are to die for! We like to splurge and have a "treat" every now and again. Who doesn't?? It's just nice knowing that we can still have yummy food without sacrificing flavor. Enjoy!

NOTE: I only make 4 small-medium pancakes, and save the rest of the batter in the fridge. 
You can make them all if you please though. That's just our way of portion control. ha! 

1/2 cup almond flour
2 tablespoons coconut flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 cup organic coconut milk {canned}
2 tablespoons coconut oil--softened
1 cup shredded organic carrots
3 organic eggs
1/4 cup raisins

Toppings: Coconut Butter, PURE maple syrup, Coconut flakes, Chopped walnuts, etc.
{We love coconut butter and pure maple syrup. Plain and simple.}

1. In a medium bowl combine almond meal, coconut flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg

2. In a separate bowl combine coconut milk, coconut oil, carrots, eggs and raisins. Then add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and mix well.

3. Grease a pan with some coconut oil. Pour batter on skillet to desired size. Cook over medium low heat and brown both sides. Be careful not to burn the pancakes! Top with any topping you wish, but make sure it goes well with carrot cake. ;) 

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